Digital fresco
Come and take part in this interactive workshop to learn about the impact of digital technology on the environment in a fun way.
Practical information
First time slot
Place : B015 (Uni Bastions), Rue De-Candolle 5, 1211 Genève 4
Time : 9:15am to 12:00pm
Language : French
Organizer : rECOnsider
Speaker: Céline Carle Faye and Louise Aubet
Registration : https://forms.gle/G7xYF81eKHkYF9Mn7
Second time slot
Place : Room 457 (Sciences III), Quai Ernest-Ansermet 30, 1205 Genève
Time : 1:15pm to 4:00pm
Language : French
Organizer : rECOnsider
Speaker : Céline Carle Faye and Louise Aubet
Registration : https://forms.gle/18Qx8AFpbnzA92HN6
The Digital Mural is a fun and collaborative workshop of about 3 hours that focuses on collaboration and collective intelligence. The workshop also presents solutions for a more responsible digital world and leaves room for open discussions between the participants. The aim of the digital mural is therefore to make participants aware of the impact of digital technologies on the environment.
No previous knowledge is required.
Please note that places are limited and it is necessary to register via one of the links above.
Exhibition: Today
Sustainable development, how to get involved at the UNIGE?
Practical information
Place : Hall of Uni-mail, Bd du Pont d'Arve 40, 1205 Genève
Time : 9:30am to 5:00pm
Language : French
Speakers : Associations of Unige
EAE - Students for Effective Altruism Association
Réseau de psychologie environnementale
SDSA - Swiss Diplomacy Studend Association
Geneva Youth Call
Public Eye Geneva
We have invited a few associations that you can meet at Uni Mail for a day. Don't hesitate to go and say hello to them, they will be delighted to introduce you to who they are and their activities.
Panel discussion :
Brands and activism, an explosive mix?
Speak up or shut up? The new dilemma for brands
Practical information
Place : M2160, Uni-Mail, 2nd floor, Bd du Pont d'Arve 40, 1205 Genève
Time : 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Language : English
Organizer : Student Association for Sustainable Development (EDD)
Prof. Schrempf-Stirling, Associate Professor in Responsible Management and Vice Dean of Executive Education at the Geneva School of Economics and Management (GSEM)
Guido Palazzo, Professor of Business Ethics at HEC Lausanne
Natalie Ekblom, Community Manager (Romandie) and Head of Freshness at LUSH (Suisse) SA
Layal Ammar, Vice President - Hair Care Europe at Procter & Gamble (P&G)
Stefan Reiser, Managing Director and Executive Board Member at LINK Marketing Services AG
Soap for mental health and razors against toxic masculinity: when brands take a stand. Becoming an activist is the new trend to hop on for companies, but what are the ethical issues of this new form of communication?
This panel brings together experts from academia and business to discuss whether and how brands should engage in brand activism.
Mini-Worshop: Laundry Detergent making
Your clothes will thank you...
Practical information
Place : M5383 (Uni-Mail, 5th floor), Bd du Pont d'Arve 40, 1205 Genève
Time : 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Language : French
Organizers : Sustainability Week Geneva
Speakers : Zero Waste Switzerland Association
Registration : CLOSED
Interested in discovering methods and recipes to make your own products? Come and learn how to make Zero Waste laundry detergent!
You will discover tips on how to choose ingredients and where to buy them. Take the opportunity to talk with others about this topic and exchange tips.
Registration for this workshop is closed. The workshop is full.
Workshop in nature: Eco-anxiety
From eco-anxiety to active hope !
Practical information
Place : Parc des Bastions, entrance to the park, in front of the Place Neuve tram stop.
Time : 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Language : French
Organizer : Mathilde Brault
Speakers :
Sylvie Jungo Ayer, Socio-anthropologist specializing in social inequalities and trainer for adults involved in the ecological transition
Mathilde Brault, Psychologist and activiste
Registration : https://forms.gle/GDduh6hGFX2aS5L48
Torn between the desire to act and inaction in the face of all that is happening in the world, especially the impact of human activity on life? The objective of this workshop is to reconnect with each other and with nature to regain strength and move forward! A state of mind to which it is possible to reconnect wherever you are and whatever the situation.
In order to participate in this workshop, please register via the link above.
Climate fresco
You want to act for the climate but don't have the time to become a climatologist?
Practical information
Place : M4193 (Uni-mail, 4th floor), Bd du Pont d'Arve 40, 1205 Genève
Time : 4:00pm to 6:30pm
Language : French
Organizer : University of Geneva
Registration : https://forms.gle/VKVLM5Uv6y8kv4f96
In 3 hours, the collaborative workshop "La Fresque du Climat" allows you to understand the essentials of the climate challenges in order to take action:
Deciphering around a game of collective intelligence, creativity, welcoming emotions and debriefing on the levers of action, on an individual and collective scale.
Take part in one of the workshops proposed during the UNIGE's sustainability week, take up the challenge of climate change and help move the world into transition.
Please note that places are limited and that it is necessary to register using the link for the desired time slot given above
Conference : Digital pollution, how to move towards sobriety?
Conference organised by the winning team of the JINX call for projects for sustainable development.
Practical information
Place : P. F. Tingry A150 Auditorium, Sciences II, Quai Ernest-Ansermet 30, 1205 Geneva
Time : 5:15pm to 6:30pm
Language : French
Organizer : rECOsider
Céline Carle Faye, commercial director and co-founder of Resilio and responsible digital consultant and member of the GreenIT collective (www.greenit.fr)
Amael Parreaux-Ey, Managing Director and co-founder of Resilio (www.resilio-solutions.com)
Zoom link (to watch the conference online) : https://unige.zoom.us/j/62486709761
Digital is a 7th continent in terms of environmental impact. It already represents 40% of a European's sustainable GHG (greenhouse gas) budget. For the planet as well as for our overloaded brains, it is urgent to find a peaceful relationship with this tool. Especially as we will have to save this non-renewable resource, as there are only 30 years of digital technology left before us. How can we transform these constraints into a formidable opportunity for innovation? We will address topics such as environmental impacts and their structure, good practices to be implemented at home and at work, ecodesign of digital services, and the meeting of low and high tech.
Note: It is possible to watch the conference online by clicking on the zoom link above.
Conference: latest GIEC report
Understanding the latest IPCC report
Practical information
Place : U600 (Uni-Dufour), Rue Général Dufour 24, 1204 Genève
Time : 6:30pm to 8:00pm
Language : French
Organizer : Student Association for Sustainable Development (EDD)
Dr. Gerhard Krinner, Research Director and lead author of Chapter 9 (Ocean, Cryosphere and Sea Level Change) of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (WG1) and member of the drafting team of the Synthesis Report of the Sixth Assessment Report
The IPCC reports set the pace and define global environmental policy decisions. These reports are veritable bibles on the state of knowledge on climate change, its causes and impacts, and contain all the information needed to understand the climate issue.
Mr Gerhard Krinner, contributor to the latest IPCC report, will come and explain the main points of this report in order to give you all the keys to understanding the great crisis of the 21st century.