Concurrent Crises as a Catalyst of Change: How the Coronavirus Pandemic Can Help Build Peace with the Planet – A Dialogue with Josep Garí, UNDP (EN)
Time and place : 2:00pm to 3:30pm (UCT+1), Online
Webex Meeting
In collaboration with UNDP
Josep Garí, Senior Policy Advisor, Nature, Climate and Energy Cluster at UNDP
Moderator: Hugo Brandam, IHEID
The COVID-19 crisis has revived an international awareness of our global condition and challenges. The 2020 pandemic has been a disruptive event across the planet, agitating economies, opening mindsets to change, and stimulating public governance. It has aggravated old problems – notably social inequalities – and reactivated new agendas – particularly the green and digital transitions. Covid-19 is not just a pandemic with a profound socio-economic impact; it is also a catharsis for societal changes.
Josep Garí, Senior Policy Advisor at UNDP, will discuss why 2020 will be a revolutionary year in this century: three crises concurred (a pandemic, a socio-economic disorder, and accelerating climate change), thus requiring societies to start considering and deploying radical solutions to address them all, and simultaneously. He will show how the Covid-19 recovery will actually be the building of a new world, with three dimensions: a renewed democratic governance (with a new social contract to address inequalities and ensure institutions are inclusive); a green economy (to address climate change and foster peace with the Planet); and a digital transition (with its opportunities to harness, and risks to address). Since Josep is a political ecologist and works at the UNDP Nature, Climate & Energy cluster, he will provide deeper insights on the means and needs to build peace with the Planet, a major undertaking for this century.
This event will not be an ordinary lecture, but an informed dialogue. Josep Garí will present some highlights from current UN analysis and plans, seeking a pragmatic conversation with the audience. Take advantage of this online discussion to directly talk to a UN senior official who is engaged in helping nations, companies and civic organisations to channel the current crises into an opportunity for peace-making with the Planet.
Table ronde : Le militantisme pour le climat (FR)
Heure et lieu: 17:00 - 18:30, Livestream (assistez à l'événement ci-dessous)
Modérateur: Thomas Bruchez
Laïla Batou: Avocate de la défense dans le procès “mains rouges” visant un activiste du collectif Breakfree Genève.
Marco Guigni: Professeur au Département de science politique et relations internationales et directeur de l’Institut d’études de la citoyenneté (InCite) de l’Université de Genève.
Marion Lanci : Membre du collectif Climat Strike
Thibaud Mabut, créateur de Mieux!, média local et indépendant qui aborde des thématiques touchant la politique, l’écologie et la société.
Quelles formes peut prendre le militantisme pour le climat ? Jusqu’où aller pour faire entendre sa voix ? Est-il possible de militer à l’heure du Covid ?
Au cours de cette table ronde, les invité.e.s, aux profils variés, auront l’occasion de répondre à ces questions. Les discussions s’articuleront également autour de la pluralité d’actions regroupées sous l’enseigne du militantisme pour le climat. Les dynamiques et les difficultés relatives à ces divers types de militantisme seront soulignées, avant d’aborder les perspectives d’avenir imaginées pour ces formes de participation.
Cet évènement se déroulera en format livestream, dès lors, vous aurez la possibilité de participer (activement) en posant vos questions !
Assistez à la "Table ronde Le militantisme pour le climat" ici le 24 mars, 17h00:
Posez vos questions en direct via le module chat ci-dessous:
ECOCIDE: Leveraging the Law to Prevent Environmental Destruction (EN)
Time and place: 17:00 - 18:30, Online
Webex Meeting
Moderators: Ryan Maia and Khaliun Purevsuren, IHEID students
Damien Short – Co-Director of Human Rights Consortium, Professor of Human Rights and Environmental Justice at the School of Advanced Study, University of London
Rachel Killean – Senior Lecturer at School of Law, Queen’s University. Specializes in research on transitional justice, sexual and gender violence and green criminology.
Regina Paulose – Criminal Lawyer, Executive Director of the Common Good Foundation. Specializes in protection of indigenous rights in the face of ecocide and ethnocide.
Dhirendra Nalbo – Co-Founder of the Open Institute. Indigenous Professor from on Critical Epistemology. Specializes in research on ecocide in Myanmar.
Nyachangkuoth Tai – Peace and Human rights Activist from South Sudan. Co-Founder of the Mother Care Organization and Gender and Social Justice Manager at Assistance Mission for Africa (AMA). Specializes on raising awareness on the cross-cutting nature of gender based-violence and environmental destruction.
Is international criminal law capable of meaningfully addressing environmental destruction as an ecocide? Scholars and policymakers around the world are trying to introduce a new category of crime under international criminal law like the genocide, but against the environment. Our panel includes legal, gender and environmental experts as well as national representatives to offer their experience and expertise on how environmental destruction impacts each phase of human history and development due environmental vulnerability and the urgent need to recognize it as an international crime like the genocide. The panel will then be invited to introduce the history of recognizing ecocide as a crime, the challenges associated with coding it within the international law and the background on why ecocide shall be addressed given its impacts on not only the environment but indigenous populations, gender based violence and other spillover effects. Furthermore, the panel will offer their views on the effectiveness of leveraging the international criminal law to prevent environmental damage and the potential challenges associated with implementing the law as envisioned.
Ethics & Sustainability: Perspectives from the Food & Fashion Industries (EN)
Time and place: 18:30, Online panel discussion (Zoom)
Click here to read the key points of the event, published in The Graduate Press (the Graduate Institute's Student press)
Moderator: Professor Dorothée Baumann-Pauly, Director of the Geneva Center for Business & Human Rights GSEM, UNIGE
Simone Cipriani, Ethical Fashion Initiative and UN Alliance for Sustainable Fashion
Sofia De Meyer, Co-founder of Opaline SA
Luca Puliafito, Spokesperson Suisse Romande, Fairtrade Max Havelaar Switzerland
Simone Wasmann, Campaign Decent Work Asia, Solidar Suisse
Every day, we eat food and wear our favorite clothes. But, how often do we pause and question how our food and clothes are produced, who makes them, and what kind of impact we create by consuming them? This panel discussion gives you the opportunity to do just that – pause and learn about two industries that are trying to produce ethically and sustainably to have a lasting positive impact on people and the planet.
From a group of experts in business, human rights and ethics, fairtrade, and international development you will understand how the food and fashion industries tackle environmental and social issues in production and consumption. Specifically, you will learn more about what sustainable and ethical production means in practice, why it is important, what are the successes and challenges, and how you fit into the equation as a consumer. At the end of the discussion, you will have learned how to become a more conscious consumer and find out ways you can get involved to improve the industries!
Coordinators: Sustainability Week Geneva and Amnesty Unige (Website | Facebook)
Find out more about the causes here:
Solidar Suisse
Fair Trade Max Havelaar
Ethical Fashion Initiative, International Trade Center
Geneva Center for Business and Human Rights
Opaline SA